Monday, September 28, 2015

A Crazy True Story That Happend to Me

          Once upon a ti..... sorry. This isn't some medieval blog. So, I was hiking up               Mt. Washington, the tallest mountain in New Hampshire, with two of my friends, Jackson and Pete, and all of our parents where behind us. So we were walking along, a little past half way to the Lakes of the Clouds Hut, the trail was getting steeper, we can't see or hear our parents, but we don't care. Then, we hear some rustling in some big bushes about 5 yards ahead of us, we all stop. Jackson decides to throw a rock at the bushes and misses the bushes by 20 yards over. Then we heard lots of rustling in the woods the left of us. Pete looked the the right  saw a huge rock in the forest, we decided to go hide behind it. None of us thought about our parents at that time. We were all running through the woods, we heard rustling behind, I thought that whatever was in the woods and bushes was now chasing us through the forest we all got behind the and sat down and caught our breath, then we picked up some big sticks and rocks in case we needed to defend our selves from whatever was out there. I looked over the big rock and saw a HUGE bear and a bunch of cubs, I tell Pete and Jackson to look over. Pete was more scared of the cubs because he said they were giving him dirty looks. The bears were just standing there, then the big bear, ( which we guessed was the mama bear ), tugged a big rope hanging on a tree. Then a net which we were apparently standing on behind the rock picked us up and we were stuck. All of the bears came no less then 2 feet away. We started to swing our sticks and throw our rocks at the bears. Jackson grabbed the mama bear, then she said " Take your stinkin' hands off me you damn dirty human." 

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