Friday, April 7, 2017


        I have not put up a post in a long time now, but now I have to bring up the question: DALAMB. Does Anybody Look At My Blog. I've had 15 page views in the last month and two of them are from me. So somebody looks at this blog. But it seems like I'm in the ghetto part of the internet?


  1. First visit ever! Linked over from a comment on Bill Crider blog when I recognized your name from MAD DOG BARKED (which I have not yet read).

  2. Oh, this is funny. You are thinking of my Dad, who has a website at, and the same name as me. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, because I don't look at my blog much these days.

  3. I also use my Dad's account, so that's why you thought I was him.
